UW-CTRI staff will present results from various projects pertaining to tobacco research and outreach at the 2017 National Conference on Tobacco or Health in Austin, Texas March 22-24. Here’s a rundown:
- Panel presentation, Using the Electronic Health Record to Drive the Delivery of Innovative Tobacco Cessation Interventions in Health Care Settings – Lessons Learned from New Advances. UW-CTRI Director Dr. Michael Fiore will moderate. UW-CTRI Outreach Director Rob Adsit will present on the Center’s collaboration with Epic and healthcare systems to integrate tobacco treatment into electronic health records.
- Panel presentation, Making the Case for Intensive Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services. UW-CTRI Associate Director of Research Dr. Megan Piper will present research employing the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) to engineer a more intensive smoking-cessation treatment that is appropriate for use in primary care settings, noting superior outcomes relative to an intervention involving medication and quitline referral.
- Poster, Building Enthusiasm among Providers and Patients in Wisconsin’s Successful Medicaid Smoking Cessation Study. UW-CTRI Outreach Specialists Roger Dier and Amy Skora will demonstrate recruitment techniques for Striving to Quit, a research study designed to test the effects of incentives on engaging Medicaid members to reduce or quit smoking.
- Poster, A Tailored Tobacco Dependence Treatment for Those with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness. UW-CTRI Researcher Dr. Bruce Christiansen will present on a partnership between NAMI Wisconsin, Community Treatment Alternatives (a Community Support Program [CSP]) and UW-CTRI to develop a clinic-wide tobacco-dependence intervention for those with persistent mental illness. Co-authors are Julianne Carbin (NAMI Wisconsin), Mary Jo Olsen and Liza Haroldson (Journey Mental Health).
For a preview of UW-CTRI presentations at the annual conference of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), click here.