Your Outreach Contact in Southern Wisconsin

Amy Skora works out of Madison to provide training and technical assistance on the implementation of the Clinical Practice Guideline with healthcare systems, clinics, and hospitals in southwestern Wisconsin.

Skora has a bachelor’s degree in community-health education from UW-La Crosse.

  • Skora AD. Tobacco-Related Disparities Among Individuals Affected by Mental Illness. Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin. 2018 May-June; 51-56. [Full text]
  • Adsit RT, Fox BM, Tsiolis T, Ogland C, Simerson M, Vind LM, Bell SM, Skora AD, Baker TB, Fiore MC. Using the Electronic Health Record to Connect Primary Care Patients to Evidence-Based Telephonic Tobacco Quitline Services: A Closed-Loop Demonstration Project. Translational Behavioral Medicine. Online March 2014. [Full text]

Amy Skora
UW-CTRI Outreach Specialist
1930 Monroe Street, Suite 200
Madison, WI 53711