How to Help Someone Quit Smoking or Chewing Tobacco
Congratulations! You’ve taken a terrific first step to help your friend, co-worker or loved one quit smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco by seeking scientifically proven methods. Research shows us that those who see their doctor, use FDA-approved medications and take advantage of counseling have the best chance of quitting.
Parents – get the latest information on how tobacco is changing by clicking here.
One effective – and easy – way to help someone quit is to refer him or her to the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line. Wisconsin residents who smoke, vape, or chew tobacco can call toll free, 800-QUIT-NOW or 800-784-8669, seven days a week, to talk to professional counselors about how to quit. The calls are confidential and advice is tailored to each individual caller.
Perhaps the most important part about helping a friend quit is to not be judgmental. The nicotine in tobacco products is highly addictive and it’s very difficult to quit. Let her know that you care for her. And that’s why you’d like to help her with ideas to improve her chances of quitting when she’s ready.
Ask him about what you can do that would best help him quit. For example, some people might like constant reminders and encouragement, while others do better with less interaction.
Finally, it’s important to remember that people trying to quit may not be in their best mood at all times during the first few days or weeks after the quit attempt.
Withdrawal from tobacco often results in irritability, difficulty concentrating and disturbed sleep patterns. Giving those who are quitting a little more “slack” can go a long way. Continue to encourage your loved one every step of the way.
Research: Cochrane Report on How to Help People Quit Smokeless Tobacco
Looking to help someone quit smoking marijuana? Click here for tips