UW-CTRI is a national leader in conducting and implementing cutting-edge research on treating tobacco use. The Center’s focus is twofold—to better understand tobacco dependence and to increase the use of effective treatments to help smokers quit for good. Since 2001, UW-CTRI has sought to use its expertise to reduce tobacco use in Wisconsin through a comprehensive program for Wisconsin residents.
The UW-CTRI Statewide Education and Outreach Program
The UW-CTRI Outreach Program, with primary funding from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is charged with bringing effective evidence-based tobacco use treatment to every corner of the state and instituting policies to help people quit. By providing training to healthcare providers, clinics, and healthcare delivery systems, UW-CTRI outreach staff enhance the ability of healthcare providers to treat tobacco users successfully. By providing technical assistance to systems and insurers statewide, outreach staff help these organizations implement evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment. For more about Outreach, click here. For a UW-CTRI Outreach staff list, click here.
The Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line
Thanks to funding from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line offers free, confidential, non-judgmental, 24/7 coaching and information about how to quit to any Wisconsin resident who calls 800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669). At least $1,623 in medical expenses is saved each year for every smoker who quits, according to the CDC. For every $1 invested in the Quit Line, approximately $7 is saved in health costs. Approximately 50 percent of people who call the Quit Line are uninsured or Medicaid members.
Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project (WiNTiP)
WiNTiP is dedicated to helping behavioral health providers treat tobacco use. WiNTiP works with substance use and mental health providers to integrate tobacco policy and treatment into their standard care. Research shows patients are 25% more likely to quit other addictions if they also recover from their addiction to tobacco. This program is a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and UW-CTRI.