UW-CTRI Medications Chart to Appear in Popular Research Journal

Nicotine patchNature Reviews, a group that owns 21 journals with some of the largest impact factors, is publishing the medications treatment chart created by UW-CTRI. The chart is designed to help clinicians properly treat patients for tobacco dependence.

Their website gets an average of 10,028 unique visitors per day and 3.6 million per year.

The UW-CTRI meds chart will be part of a paper, Tobacco Use Disorder, by Dr. Bernard Le Foll from the University of Toronto and co-authored by UW-CTRI Research Director Dr. Megan Piper, in the journal Nature Reviews Disease Primers. The journal is ranked 21st in impact factor at 52.329, according to Clarivate Analytics.

The chart, created by UW-CTRI Director Dr. Michael Fiore and others at UW-CTRI, is available on the UW-CTRI website.