UW-CTRI Support Groups for Current or Former Tobacco Users

These support groups meet in Madison, Wisconsin.

WHAT: Each session is led by a UW-CTRI smoking cessation counselor who can provide the latest information on quit tips, counseling and medication to help smokers break their addiction to tobacco for good. Group members discuss strategies to quit smoking and support each other in their efforts to stay quit.

WHO SHOULD COME: This support group is available to anyone who has completed an initial visit at the UW-CTRI Smoking Cessation and Prevention Clinic. For more information on the Clinic, click here.


COST: Free

TIME: Every Monday night from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: UW-CTRI Offices, second floor conference room

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call (608) 263-0573.