One way to integrate the Quit Line into your standard care is the Fax to Quit program.
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Fax to Quit leads to higher patient satisfaction and smoking quit rates. To read the evidence base, click here.
For a printer-friendly fact sheet on Fax to Quit, click here.
With Fax to Quit:
- A healthcare provider asks the patient about tobacco use.
- Once a smoker is identified and agrees to make a quit attempt, the patient is asked to agree to have his or her name and number faxed to the Quit Line from your office by signing a consent form.
- The Quit Line then makes the initial call to the patient to begin the counseling program.
- Smokers who speak little or no English can request an interpreter on the enrollment form.
- To ensure good follow-up, the Quit Line will communicate with you about the intervention plan provided to the patient.
Value Added
Fax to Quit provides an intensive counseling intervention that is often not feasible for a busy clinic. We know that ongoing counseling increases the likelihood of a successful quit attempt.
The Fax to Quit program can be implemented in hospitals, clinics, public health departments and dental offices. Plus, it shifts the burden of making that initial call from the smoker to the Quit Line counselor.
For more on how the Quit Line can help clinic staff, click here.
Sign Up for Fax to Quit
To get started, contact your local UW-CTRI Outreach Specialist.