UW-CTRI Researcher Dr. Adrienne Johnson (left at podium) spoke last night at an event hosted by the Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network at the Black Holocaust Museum in Milwaukee. With Johnson (from left) are artist Tracy Brown, Pastor Teresa Thomas-Boyd, and Edgar Mendez. It was the opening of the Same Game, Different Smoker exhibit about how the tobacco industry targets and addicts African Americans, including kids (see the sign below from the event).
Johnson said, “The Wisconsin African American Tobacco Prevention Network Menthol Subcommittee, Co-Chaired by Pastor Teresa Thomas-Boyd and me, is so thankful to Tracy Brown and Carol McGruder for bringing the wonderful exhibition, Same Game Different Smoker, to Milwaukee this past week. This work focuses on how the tobacco industry has historically and continues to target Black Americans, and to educate youth to prevent future smoking and tobacco product use.”