UW-CTRI staff will present 15 times at the annual conference of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco 2020 in New Orleans March 12-14. Here’s a preview, with current UW-CTRI employees in bold:
Jessica Cook (presenting author) and Tanya Schlam (symposium chair and presenting author), Anne Joseph, Edward Ellerbeck, Robert Schnoll. New Approaches to Chronic Care for Smoking. Grand Ballroom C (First Floor). Thursday, March 12, 10-11:30 am.
- Jessica Cook, Timothy Baker, Linda Collins, Michael Fiore, Megan Piper, Tanya Schlam, Daniel Bolt, Stevens Smith, Deejay Zwaga, Douglas Jorenby, Robin Mermelstein. Effects of Motivation Phase Intervention Components on Quit Attempts and Abstinence In Smokers Unwilling to Quit: A Factorial Experiment. Grand Ballroom C (First Floor). Thursday, March 12, 10-11:30 am.
- Tanya Schlam, Megan Piper, Jessica Cook, Stevens Smith, Michael Fiore, Timothy Baker. Strike Again While the Iron Is Hot: A SMART (Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial) of Chronic Care Intervention for Smoking. Grand Ballroom C (First Floor). Thursday, March 12, 10-11:30 am.
- Megan Piper. SRNT Treasurer’s Report. Salon 3-6 (First Floor). Friday, March 13, 7:30-8:15 am.
- Mark Zehner, Stevens Smith, Rob Adsit, Marika Rosenblum, Danielle McCarthy, Timothy Baker, Michael Fiore. Addressing Tobacco Use in Primary Care – Clinicians’ Perceptions of Referral to a State Quitline. Friday, March 13, 9:30-9:42 am.
- Nayoung Kim, Danielle McCarthy, Jessica Cook, Megan Piper, Tanya Schlam, Michael Fiore, Timothy Baker. Time-Varying Relations of Optimized Smoking Treatment with Key Withdrawal Symptoms Early in the Cessation Process. Part of the symposium titled, Back to Basics: Craving, Stress, Withdrawal, and Reward. Grand Ballroom C (First Floor). Saturday, March 14, 2020, 9:15-9:30 am.
- Megan Piper, Timothy Baker, Deejay Zwaga, Douglas Jorenby. The Relations Between E-Cigarette and Combustible Cigarette Dependence and Daily Use Patterns Among Dual Users. Part of the paper session Dependence, Demand, and Cigarette Use in Youth and Adult Vapers. Salon 13-16 (First Floor). Saturday, March 14, 11:42 am.
- Lorraine Lathen, Monique Plears, Emile Shartle, Karen Doster-Conner, Michael Fiore, Bruce Christiansen. Residents’ Perceptions of the HUD Smoke-Free Rule Post-Implementation. Poster session 1, number 141. Thursday, March 12, 11:30 am to 1 pm.
- Megan Piper, Deejay Zwaga, Timothy Baker, Douglas Jorenby. Examining Daily Patterns of E-Cigarette and Combustible Cigarette Use and Changes Over Time in Dual Users. Poster session 2, number 12. Churchill (Second Floor). Thursday, March 12, 4:30-6 pm.
- Heather D’Angelo, Betsy Rolland, Rob Adsit, Danielle Pauk, Marika Rosenblum, Timothy Baker, Michael Fiore. Reach and Effectiveness of Tobacco Dependence Treatment Programs Implemented at NCI-Designated Cancer Centers in the Cancer Center Cessation Initiative. Poster session 2, number 107. Churchill (Second Floor). Thursday, March 12, 2020, 4:30-6 pm.
- Rosina Millevolte, Nayoung Kim, Danielle McCarthy, Madeline Oguss, Tim Baker, Michael Fiore. Reach and Representativeness of Electronic Referral of Primary Care Patients to an Evidence-Based Smoking Treatment. Poster session 3, number 110. Churchill (Second Floor). Friday, March 13, 2020, 11:30 am-1 pm.
- Nayoung Kim, Danielle McCarthy, Wei-Yin Loh, Tanya Schlam, Megan Piper, Jessica Cook, Michael Fiore, Timothy Baker. Machine Learning Identifies Interactions Among Intervention Components and Individual Differences In Models of Abstinence 1 Year After a Target Quit Day. Poster session 3, number 63. Churchill (Second Floor). Friday, March 13, 11:30 am-1 pm.
- Deejay Zwaga, Tim Baker, Megan Piper, Douglas Jorenby. Understanding the Influence of Initial E-Cigarette Use Motivation on Combustible and E-cigarettes Among Sustained Dual Users. Poster session 3, number 118. Churchill (Second Floor). Friday, March 13, 11:30 am-1 pm.
- Ramzi Salloum, Heather D’Angelo, Li-Shiun Chen, Adam Goldstein, Deborah Hudson, Arnold Levinson, Sara Mitra, Kathryn Taylor, Janet Thomas, Hilary Tindle, Graham Warren, Michael Fiore. Costs of Implementing Tobacco Treatment Programs in NCI’s Cancer Center Cessation Initiative (C3I). Poster session 3, number 72. Churchill (Second Floor). Friday, March 13, 11:30 am-1 pm.
- Marlon Mundt, Rob Adsit, Tim Baker, Kate Kobinsky, Michael Fiore. Cost-Effectiveness of Financial Incentives for Low-Income Expectant Mothers Who Smoke to Engage in Tobacco Cessation Treatment. Poster session 4, number 87. Churchill (Second Floor). Friday, March 13, 4:30-6 pm.
- Nayoung Kim, Danielle McCarthy, Wei-Yin Loh. Current Smoking and Susceptibility to Smoking Among Adolescents Worldwide: Evidence From 95 Countries in the Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2013-2017. Poster session 4, number 112. Churchill (Second Floor). Friday, March 13, 2020, 4:30-6 pm.
Watch for coverage from New Orleans on social media and in the next newsletter.