The Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project (WiNTiP) on September 14 filmed a day’s worth of videos in preparation for a new online training tool. The interactive site will teach clinicians how best to assist patients with behavioral health issues to quit tobacco use.
WiNTiP staff worked with DoIT to film a series of panel discussions featuring experts from across the state who have successfully helped their behavioral-health patients to break free from tobacco addiction. Topics included:
Providing Evidence-based Tobacco Dependence Treatment
Enforcement Issues
The Integration Process
How to Help Staff Who Use Tobacco Products
Does the Treatment Setting Make a Difference?
In addition, UW-CTRI staff recorded tutorials on the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line, how to use EHR to help patients quit tobacco use, and evidence-based treatment to help patients quit.
To watch a sample video clip, click here.
The videos will be incorporated into an interactive site that will allow clinicians to log in, track the tutorials they’ve taken, read evidence-based best practices, answer survey questions, and develop a tailored plan for their organization.
WiNTiP will continue filming videos for the online training throughout the rest of 2015, and assemble the site using Qualtrics in early 2016.
WiNTiP is a collaboration between UW-CTRI, the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, as well as the Wisconsin Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. For more on WiNTiP, visit the new