Withdraw From Tobacco Study

The goal of Withdraw from Tobacco Study is to better understand withdrawal from tobacco so that we can better help people quit smoking. One of the important products of our research at UW-CTRI is the Wisconsin Smoking Withdrawal Scale (WSWS).

The study is now complete.

woman smiling

The Withdraw From Tobacco study, led by UW-CTRI Co-Research Director Dr. Tim Baker  and Dr. Jesse Kaye, will be critical to improving the scale, making it congruent with recent research on the nature of smoking withdrawal. This study recruited more than 200 people who try to quit smoking without medication for the first week. All participants then get eight weeks of combination nicotine-replacement medication (nicotine patch and mini lozenge).

Study staff provided coaching to help participants quit smoking and confirm their smoking status around 2 months after their quit date.

It’s all in an effort to help people live longer, happier, and make more memories.

A dad and daughter play together