Smoking Treatment for Patients with Cancer Study
The Smoking Treatment for Patients with Cancer Study (STOP Cancer Study) is conducted by the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention in partnership with the
UW Carbone Cancer Center.
The goals of the study are to improve the ways we help people with cancer to stop smoking.
Bucky says, "We care, and you're in control"
If you have cancer and would like to address your smoking, you can:
• Go at your own pace. Opt in or out at any time. You have choices.
• Get one-on-one calls with an experienced quit coach.
• Receive medication to help you quit (nicotine patches or varenicline) at no cost to you.
• Access text message support from the National Cancer Institute.
• Earn up to $225 for completing the research study.
• Want more details? Click on Bucky or call us at (608) 262-7527 and we'll answer your questions.