Slutske WS, Richmond-Rakerd LS, Piasecki TM, Ramrahka S, Poulton R, Moffitt TE, Caspi A. (2022). Disordered Gambling in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort: From Childhood Precursors to Adult Life Outcomes. Psychological Medicine. Online October 18, 2022.
Davis CN, Gizer IR, Colodro-Conde L, Statham DJ, Martin NG, Slutske WS. Educational Attainment Polygenic Scores: Examining Evidence for Gene–Environment Interplay with Adolescent Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis Use. Twin Research and Human Genetics. Online October 3, 2022.
Nolan MB, Piasecki TM, Smith SS, Baker TB, Fiore MC, Adsit RT, Bolt DM, Conner KL, Bernstein SL, Eng OD, Lazuk D, Gonzalez A, Hayes-Birchler T, Jorenby DE, D’Angelo H, Kirsch JA, Williams BS, Kent S, Kim H, Lubanski SA, Yu M, Suk Y, Cai Y, Kashyap N, Mathew J, McMahan G, Rolland B, Tindle HA, Warren GW, Abu-El-Rub N, An LC, Boyd AD, Brunzell DH, Carrillo VA, Chen LS, Davis JM, Deshmukh VG, Dilip D, Goldstein A, Ha PK, Iturrate E, Jose T, Khanna N, King A, Klass E, Lui M, Mermelstein RJ, Poon C, Tong E, Wilson KM, Theobald WE, Slutske WS. (2022) Relations of Current and Past Cancer with Severe Outcomes among 104,590 Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: The COVID EHR Cohort at the University of Wisconsin. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2022 Aug 15:EPI-22-0500.
Davis CN, Gizer IR, Lynskey MT, Statham DJ, Heath AC, Martin NG, Slutske WS. (2022) Adolescent Substance Use and Educational Attainment: Exploring the Nature of the Relationship Using a Discordant Twin Design. Addiction. 118(1):167-176. Online July 11, 2022.
Piasecki T, Smith SS, Baker TB, Slutske WS, Adsit RT, Bolt DM, Conner KL, Bernstein SL, Eng OD, Lazuk D, Gonzalez A, Jorenby DE, D’Angelo H, Kirsch JA, Williams BS, Nolan MB, Hayes-Birchler T, Kent S, Kim H, Lubanski S, Yu M, Suk Y, Cai Y, Kashyap N, Mathew JP, McMahan G, Rolland B, Tindle HA, Warren GW, An LC, Boyd AD, Brunzell DH, Carrillo V, Chen L-S, Davis JM, Deshmukh VG, Dilip D, Ellerbeck EF, Goldstein A, Iturrate E, Jose T, Khanna N, King A, Klass E, Mermelstein RJ, Tong E, Tsoh JY, Wilson KM, Theobald WE, Fiore MC. (2022) Smoking Status, Nicotine Medication, Vaccination, and COVID-19 Hospital Outcomes; Findings From the COVID EHR Cohort at the University of Wisconsin (CEC-UW) Study. Nicotine Tobacco Research. Online September 7, 2022.
Slutske WS, Davis CN, Lynskey MT, Heath AC, Martin NG. An Epidemiologic, Longitudinal, and Discordant-Twin Study of the Association Between Gambling Disorder and Suicidal Behaviors. Clinical Psychological Science. Online January 10, 2022.
Brunzell DH, Carrillo VA, Chen LS, Davis JM, Deshmukh VG, Dilip D, Goldstein A, Ha PK, Iturrate E, Jose T, Khanna N, King A, Klass E, Lui M, Mermelstein RJ, Poon C, Tong E, Wilson KM, Theobald WE, Slutske WS. (2022) Relations of Current and Past Cancer with Severe Outcomes among 104,590 Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: The COVID EHR Cohort at the University of Wisconsin. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2022 Aug 15:EPI-22-0500.
Dash GF, Martin NG, Agrawal A, Lynskey MT, Slutske WS. (2022) Are Prescription Misuse and Illicit Drug Use Etiologically Distinct? A Genetically-Informed Analysis of Opioids and Stimulants. Psychological Medicine. 2022 18 July. 52, 3176-3183.
Dash GF, Martin NG, Slutske WS. (2021) Big Five Personality Traits and Illicit Drug Use: Specificity In Trait–Drug Associations. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. November 11, 2021.
Spychala K, Gizer IR, Davis CN, Dash GF, Piasecki TM, Slutske WS. (2021). Predicting Disordered Gambling Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood from Polygenic Contributions to Big 5 Personality Traits in a UK Birth Cohort. Addiction. 117, 690-700. Online August 3, 2021.
Dash, G.F., Martin, N.G., Agrawal, A., Lynskey, M.T. & Slutske, W.S. (2021). Typologies of illicit drug use in mid-adulthood: A quasi-longitudinal latent class analysis in a community-based sample of twins. Addiction, 116, 1101-1112.
Davis, C.N., Piasecki, T.M., Bartholow, B.D., & Slutske, W.S. (2021). Effects of alcohol sensitivity on alcohol-induced blackouts and passing out: An examination of the Alcohol Sensitivity Questionnaire among underage drinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45, 1149-1160.
Dash, G.F., Davis, C.N., Martin, N.G., Agrawal, A., Lynskey, M.T. & Slutske, W.S. (2020). High-intensity drinking in adult Australian twins. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44, 522-531.
Dash, G.F., Martin, N.G., Lynskey, M.T. & Slutske, W.S. (2020). Sex differences in the relative influence of marital status and parenthood on alcohol use disorder symptoms: A multilevel discordant twin design. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 737-747.
Davis, C.N., Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., Martin, N.G., & Lynskey, M.T. (2020). Comparing the potential causal influence of two indicators of early alcohol use on later alcohol use disorder symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 256–265.
Slutske, W.S. & Lind, P.A. (2020). Contributions of Nicholas Martin to gambling disorder research. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 23, 127-128.
Williams, M., Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Xian, H., Wirth, L., Scherrer, J.F., Volberg, R.A., Slutske, W.S., Kraus, S.W., Eisen, S.E., & Potenza, M.N. (2020). Examining relations between obsessive-compulsive features, substance use disorders, and antisocial personality disorder in the Vietnam Era Twin Cohort. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,
Davis, C.N., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G., Agrawal, A., & Lynskey, M.T. (2019). Identifying subtypes of cannabis users based on simultaneous polysubstance use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 205, 107696.
Davis, C.N., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G., Agrawal, A., & Lynskey, M.T. (2019). Genetic and environmental influences on gambling disorder liability: A replication and combined analysis of two twin studies. Psychological Medicine, 49, 1705-1712.
Davis, C.N., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G., Agrawal, A., & Lynskey, M.T. (2019). Genetic epidemiology of liability for alcohol-induced blacking and passing out. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43, 1103-1112.
Dash, G.F., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G., Statham, D.J., Agrawal, A., & Lynskey, M.T. (2019). Big 5 personality traits and alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and gambling disorder comorbidity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 33, 420-429.
Piasecki, T.M., Gizer, I.R., & Slutske, W.S. (2019). Polygenic risk scores for psychiatric disorders reveal novel clues about the genetics of disordered gambling. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22, 283-289.
Slutske, W.S. (2019). Genetic and environmental contributions to risk for disordered gambling. Gambling Disorder. A. Heinz, N. Romanczuk-Seiferth, & M. Potenza, (eds.). Springer.
Slutske, W.S., +Deutsch, A. R., & Piasecki, T.M. (2019). Neighborhood density of alcohol outlets moderates genetic and environmental influences on alcohol problems. Addiction, 114, 815-821.
Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., +Deutsch, A.R., Statham, D.B., & Martin, N.G. (2019). Potential causal influence of neighborhood disadvantage on disordered gambling: Evidence from a multi-level discordant twin design. Clinical Psychological Science, 7, 582-596.
Davis, C.N. & Slutske, W.S. (2018). Socioeconomic status and adolescent alcohol involvement: Evidence for a gene-environment interaction. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79, 725-732.
Ellingson, J. M., Slutske, W.S., Vergés, A., Littlefield, A. K., Statham, D. J., & Martin, N. G. (2018). A multivariate behavior genetic investigation of dual-systems models of alcohol involvement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79, 617-626.
Slutske, W.S. (2018). Has the genetic contribution to the propensity to gamble increased?
Evidence from national twin studies conducted in 1962 and 2002. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 21, 119-125.
Slutske, W.S. (2018). Personality and gambling. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackleford, (eds.). Springer.
Slutske, W.S., +Deutsch, A. R., & Piasecki, T.M. (2018). Neighborhood alcohol outlet density and genetic influences on alcohol use: Evidence for gene-environment interaction. Psychological Medicine, 49, 474-482.
Vergés, A., Ellingson, J. M., Schroder, S. A., Slutske, W. S., & Sher, K. J. (2018). Intensity of daily drinking and its relation to alcohol use disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42, 1674-1683.
Davis, C.N., **Natta, S.S., & Slutske, W.S. (2017). Moderation of genetic influences on alcohol involvement by rural residency among adolescents: Results from the 1962 National Merit Twin Study. Behavior Genetics, 47, 587-595.
Deutsch, A.R., Slutske, W.S., Lynskey, M.T., Statham, D.B., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2017). From alcohol initiation to tolerance to problems: Discordant twin modeling of a developmental process. Development and Psychopathology, 29, 845-861.
Deutsch, A.R., Steinley, D., Sher, K.J., & Slutske, W.S. (2017). Who’s got the booze? The role of access to alcohol on the relations between social status and individual use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78, 754-762.
Deutsch, A.R., Wood, P.K., & Slutske, W.S. (2017). Developmental etiologies of alcohol use and their relations to parent and peer influences over adolescence and young adulthood: A genetically informed approach. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 41, 2151-2162.
Mann, F.D., Engelhardt, L., Briley, D.A., Grotzinger, A.D., Patterson, M.W., Tackett, J.L., Statham, D.J. Heath, A., Lynskey, M.T., Slutske, W., Martin, N.G., Tucker-Drob, E.M., & Harden, K.P. (2017). Sensation seeking and impulsive traits as personality endophenotypes for antisocial behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 30-39.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Slutske, W.S., & Wood, P.K. (2017). Age of initiation and substance use progression: A multivariate latent growth analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31, 664-675
Ehlers, C., Gizer, I., Bizon, C., Slutske, W., Peng, Q., Schork, N., Wilhelmsen, K. (2016). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the REG-CTNNA2 region of chromosome 2 and NEIL3 associated with impulsivity in a Native American sample. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 6, 568-577.
Ellingson, M.A., *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Statham, D.J., Martin, N.G., & Slutske, W.S. (2016). Most of the genetic covariation between major depressive and alcohol use disorders is explained by trait measures of negative emotionality and behavioral control. Psychological Medicine, 46, 2919-2930.
Lang, M., Lemenager, T., Streit, F., Fauth-Buhler, M., Frank., J., Juraeva, D., Witt, S.H., Degenhardt, F., Hofmann, A., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Kiefer, F., Brors, B., Grabe, H., John, U., Bischof, A., Bischof, G., Volker, U., Homuth, G., Beutel, M., Lind, P., Medland, S., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G., Volzke, H., Nothen, M.M., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H., Wurst, F.M., Reitschel, M., & Mann, K.F. (2016). Genome-wide association study of pathological gambling. European Psychiatry, 36, 38-46.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., *Otto, J.M., Gizer, I.R., Slutske, W.S., Ehlers, C.L., & Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2016). A novel tobacco use phenotype suggests the 15q25 gene cluster and CYP2B6 may be differentially associated with cigarettes per day and tobacco-related problems. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19, 426-434.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., *Fleming, K.A., Slutske, W.S. (2016). Investigating progression in substance use initiation using a discrete-time multiple event process survival mixture (MEPSUM) approach. Clinical Psychological Science, 4, 167-182.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Slutske, W.S., Lynskey, M.T., Agrawal, A., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Heath, A.C., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2016). Age at first use and later substance use disorder: Shared genetic and environmental pathways for nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 946-959.
Slutske. W.S., Deutsch, A.R., & Piasecki, T.M. (2016). Neighborhood contextual factors, alcohol use, and alcohol problems in the United States: Evidence from a nationally-representative study of young adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 1010-1019.
van den Berg SM, de Moor MH, Verweij KJ, Krueger RF, Luciano M, Arias Vasquez A, Matteson LK, Derringer J, Esko T, Amin N, Gordon SD, Hansell NK, Hart AB, Seppälä I, Huffman JE, Konte B, Lahti J, Lee M, Miller M, Nutile T, Tanaka T, Teumer A, Viktorin A, Wedenoja J, Abdellaoui A, Abecasis GR, Adkins DE, Agrawal A, Allik J, Appel K, Bigdeli TB, Busonero F, Campbell H, Costa PT, Smith GD, Davies G, de Wit H, Ding J, Engelhardt BE, Eriksson JG, Fedko IO, Ferrucci L, Franke B, Giegling I, Grucza R, Hartmann AM, Heath AC, Heinonen K, Henders AK, Homuth G, Hottenga JJ, Iacono WG, Janzing J, Jokela M, Karlsson R, Kemp JP, Kirkpatrick MG, Latvala A, Lehtimäki T, Liewald DC, Madden PA, Magri C, Magnusson PK, Marten J, Maschio A, Mbarek H, Medland SE, Mihailov E, Milaneschi Y, Montgomery GW, Nauck M, Nivard MG, Ouwens KG, Palotie A, Pettersson E, Polasek O, Qian Y, Pulkki-Råback L, Raitakari OT, Realo A, Rose RJ, Ruggiero D, Schmidt CO, Slutske WS, Sorice R, Starr JM, St Pourcain B, Sutin AR, Timpson NJ, Trochet H, Vermeulen S, Vuoksimaa E, Widen E, Wouda J, Wright MJ, Zgaga L, Generation Scotland, Porteous D, Minelli A, Palmer AA, Rujescu D, Ciullo M, Hayward C, Rudan I, Metspalu A, Kaprio J, Deary IJ, Räikkönen K, Wilson JF, Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Bierut LJ, Hettema JM, Grabe HJ, Penninx BW, van Duijn CM, Evans DM, Schlessinger D, Pedersen NL, Terracciano A, McGue M, Martin NG, Boomsma DI. (2016). Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for extraversion: Findings from the Genetics of Personality Consortium. Behavior Genetics, 46,170-182.
de Moor, M.H., van den Berg, S.M., Verweij, KJ, Krueger, R.F., Luciano, M., Arias Vasquez, A., Matteson, L.K., Derringer, J., Esko, T., Amin, N., Gordon, S.D,, Hansell, N.K., Hart, A.B., Seppälä, I., Huffman, J.E., Konte, B., Lahti, J., Lee, M., Miller, M., Nutile, T., Tanaka, T., Teumer, A., Viktorin, A., Wedenoja, J., Abecasis, G.R., Adkins, D.E., Agrawal, A., Allik, J., Appel, K., Bigdeli, T.B., Busonero, F., Campbell, H., Costa, P.T., Davey Smith, G., Davies, G., de Wit, H., Ding, J., Engelhardt, B.E., Eriksson, J.G., Fedko, I.O., Ferrucci, L., Franke, B., Giegling, I., Grucza, R., Hartmann, A.M., Heath, A.C., Heinonen, K., Henders, A.K., Homuth, G., Hottenga, J.J., Iacono, W.G., Janzing, J., Jokela, M., Karlsson, R., Kemp, J.P., Kirkpatrick, M.G., Latvala, A., Lehtimäki, T., Liewald, D.C., Madden, P.A., Magri, C., Magnusson, P.K., Marten, J., Maschio, A., Medland, S.E., Mihailov, E., Milaneschi, Y., Montgomery, G.W., Nauck, M., Ouwens, K.G., Palotie, A., Pettersson, E., Polasek, O., Qian, Y., Pulkki-Råback, L., Raitakari, O.T., Realo, A., Rose, R.J., Ruggiero, D., Schmidt, C.O., Slutske, W.S., Sorice, R., Starr, J.M., St Pourcain, B., Sutin, A.R., Timpson, N.J., Trochet, H., Vermeulen, S., Vuoksimaa, E., Widen, E., Wouda, J., Wright, M.J., Zgaga, L., Porteous, D., Minelli, A., Palmer, A.A., Rujescu, D., Ciullo, M., Hayward, C., Rudan, I., Metspalu, A., Kaprio, J., Deary, I.J., Räikkönen, K., Wilson, J.F., Keltikangas-Järvinen, L., Bierut, L.J., Hettema, J.M., Grabe, H.J., van Duijn, C.M., Evans, D.M., Schlessinger, D., Pedersen, N.L., Terracciano, A., McGue, M., Penninx, B.W., Martin, N.G., Boomsma, D.I. (2015). Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for neuroticism, and the polygenic association with major depressive disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, 72, 642-650.
Deutsch, A.R., Chernyavskiy, P., Steinley, D., & Slutske, W.S. (2015). Measuring peer socialization for adolescent substance use: A comparison of perceived and actual friends’ substance use effects. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 267-277.
Deutsch, A.R. & Slutske, W.S. (2015). A non-causal relation between casual sex in adolescence and early adult depression and suicidal ideation: A longitudinal discordant twin study. Journal of Sex Research, 52, 770-780.
Ellingson, J.M., *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., & Slutske, W.S. (2015). Cognitive control explains comorbidity between alcohol use disorder and internalizing disorders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 89-94.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Slutske, W.S., +Deutsch, A.R., Lynskey, M.T., Agrawal, A.A., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2015). Progression in substance use initiation: A multilevel discordant monozygotic twin design. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 596-605.
Scherrer, J.F., Xian, H., Slutske, W.S., Eisen, S.A., & Potenza, M.N. (2015). Associations between obsessive-compulsive classes and pathological gambling in a national cohort of male twins. JAMA Psychiatry, 72, 342-349.
Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., +Deutsch, A.R., Statham. D.J. & Martin, N.G. (2015). Telescoping and gender differences in the time course of disordered gambling: Evidence from a general population sample. Addiction, 110, 144-151.
Slutske, W.S., +Deutsch, A.R., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2015). Local area disadvantage and gambling involvement and disorder: Evidence for gene-environment correlation and interaction. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 606-622.
Deutsch, A.R., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Substance use and sexual intercourse onsets in adolescence: A genetically informative discordant twin design. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54, 114-116.
Deutsch, A.R., Steinley, D., & Slutske, W.S. (2014). The role of gender and friends’ gender on peer socialization of adolescent drinking: A prospective multilevel social network analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43, 1421-1435.
Karcher, N.R., Slutske, W.S., Kerns, J.G., Piasecki, T.M., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Sex differences in magical ideation: A community-based twin study. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment, 5, 212-219.
Le, A., Miller, P.W., Slutske, W.S., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Attitudes towards risk and occupational choice. Industrial Relations, 4, 568-592.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Genetic and environmental influences on the ages of drinking and gambling initiation: Evidence for distinct aetiologies and sex differences. Addiction, 109, 323-331.
Savage, J.E., Slutske, W.S., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Personality and gambling involvement: A person-centered approach. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1198-1211.
Slutske, W.S., +Deutsch, A.R., *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Chernyavskiy, P., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Test of a potential causal influence of earlier age of gambling initiation on gambling involvement and disorder: A multi-level discordant twin design. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1177-1189.
Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., **Nathanson, L., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2014). Genetic influences on alcohol-related hangover. Addiction, 109, 2027-2034.
Slutske, W.S. & *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S. (2014). A closer look at the evidence for sex differences in the genetic and environmental influences on gambling in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: From disordered to ordered gambling. Addiction, 109, 120-127.
van den Berg, S.M., de Moor, M.H., McGue, M., Pettersson, E., Terracciano, A., Verweij, K.J., Amin, N., Derringer, J., Esko, T., Van Grootheest, G., Hansell, N.K., Huffman, J., Konte, B., Lahti, J., Luciano, M., Matteson, L.K., Viktorin, A., Wouda, J., Agrawal, A., Allik, J., Bierut, L., Broms, U., Campbell, H., Smith, G.D., Eriksson, J.G., Ferrucci, L., Franke, B., Fox, J.P., de Geus, E.J., Giegling, I., Gow, A.J., Grucza, R., Hartmann, A.M., Heath, A.C., Heikkila, K., Iacono, W.G., Janzing, J., Jokela, M., Kiemeney, L., Lehtimaki, T., Madden, P.A., Magnusson, P.K., Northstone, K., Nutile, T., Ouwens, K.G., Palotie, A., Pattie, A., Pesonen, A.K., Polasek, O., Pulkkinen, L., Pulkki-Raback, L., Raitakari, O.T., Realo, A., Rose, R.J., Ruggiero, D., Seppala, I., Slutske, W.S., Smyth, D.C., Sorice, R., Starr, J.M., Sutin, A.R., Tanaka, T., Verhagen, J., Vermeulen, S., Vuoksimaa, E., Widen, E., Willemsen, G., Wright, M.J., Zgaga, L., Rujescu, D., Metspalu, A., Wilson, J.F., Ciullo, M., Hayward, C., Rudan, I., Deary, I.J., Raikkonen, K., Arias Vasquez, A., Costa, P.T., Keltikangas-Jarvinen, L., van Duijn, C.M., Penninx, B.W., Krueger, R.F., Evans, D.M., Kaprio, J., Pedersen, N.L., Martin, N.G. & Boomsma, D.I. (2014). Harmonization of Neuroticism and Extraversion phenotypes across inventories and cohorts in the Genetics of Personality Consortium: an application of Item Response Theory. Behavior Genetics, 44, 295-313.
Waldron, M., Grant, J.D., Bucholz, K.K., Lynskey, M.T., Slutske,W.S., Glowinski, A.L., Henders, A., Statham, D.J., Martin, N.G., & Heath, A.C. (2014). Parental separation and early substance involvement: Results from children of alcoholic and cannabis dependent twins. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 134, 78-84.
Deutsch, A.R., Slutske, W.S., *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Chernyavskiy, P., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2013). Causal influence of age at first drink on alcohol involvement in adulthood and its moderation by familial context. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74, 703-713.
Ellingson, J.M., Slutske, W.S., *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., & Martin, N.G. (2013). Investigating the influence of prenatal androgen exposure and sibling effects on alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in females from opposite-sex twin pairs. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, 868-878.
Ellingson, J.M., *Verges, A., *Littlefield, A.K., Martin, N.G., & Slutske, W.S. (2013). Are bottom-up and top-down traits in dual-systems models of risky behavior genetically distinct? Behavior Genetics, 43, 480-490.
Lind, P.A., Zhu, G., Montgomery, G.W., Madden, P.A.F., Heath, A.C., Martin, N.G., & Slutske, W.S. (2013). Genome-wide association study of a quantitative disordered gambling trait. Addiction Biology, 18, 511-522.
Meier, M.H., Caspi, A., Houts, R., Slutske, W.S., Harrington, H., Poulton, R., Belsky, D., Jackson, K.M., & Moffitt, T.E. (2013). Prospective developmental subtypes of alcohol dependence from age 18 to 32 years: Implications for nosology, etiology, and intervention. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 785-800.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2013). Effects of sibship size and composition on younger brothers’ and sisters’ alcohol use initiation: Findings from an Australian twin sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, 1016-1024.
Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Slutske, W.S., & Piasecki, T.M. (2013). Birth cohort and sex differences in the age of gambling initiation in the United States: Evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. International Gambling Studies, 13, 417-429.
Slutske, W.S. (2013). Genetics of disordered gambling. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLS), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
Slutske, W.S., *Cho, S.B., Piasecki, T.M., & Martin, N.G. (2013). Genetic overlap between personality and risk for disordered gambling: Evidence from a national community-based Australian twin study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 122, 250-255.
Slutske, W.S., *Ellingson, J.M., *Richmond-Rakerd, L.S., Zhu, G., & Martin, N.G. (2013). Shared genetic vulnerability for disordered gambling and alcohol use disorder in men and women: Evidence from a national community-based Australian twin study. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16, 525-534.
Verster, J.C., Alford, C., Bervoets, A.C., de Klerk, S., Grange, J.A., Hogewoning, A., Jones,K., Kruisselbrink, D.L., McKinney, A., Owen, L., Piasecki, T.M., Raasveld, S.J., Royle, S., Slutske, W.S., Smith, G.S., Stephens, R., and the Alcohol Hangover Research Group. (2013). Hangover research needs: Proceedings of the 5th Alcohol Hangover Research Group meeting. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 6, 245-251.
Agrawal, A., Verweij, K.A.H., Gillespie, N.A., Heath, A.C., Lessov-Schlagger, C.N., Martin, N.G., Nelson, E.C., Slutske, W.S., Whitfield, J.B., & Lynskey, M.T. (2012). The genetics of addiction – a translational perspective. Translational Psychiatry, 2, e140.
Criado, J.R., Gizer, I.R., Slutske, W.S., Phillips, E., & Ehlers, C.L. (2012). Event-related oscillations to affective stimuli: Heritability, linkage and relationship to externalizing disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 256-263.
Piasecki, T.M., **Alley, K.J., Slutske, W.S., Wood, P.K., Sher, K.J. Shiffman, S., & Heath, A.C. (2012). Low sensitivity to alcohol: Relations with hangover occurrence and susceptibility in an Ecological Momentary Assessment investigation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73, 925-932.
Robertson, B.M., Piasecki, T.M., Slutske, W.S., Wood, P.K., Sher, K.J., Shiffman, S., & Heath, A.C. (2012). Validity of the Hangover Symptoms Scale: Evidence from an electronic diary study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, 171-177.
Schermerhorn, A.C., D’Onofrio, B.M., Slutske, W.S., Emery, R.E., Turkheimer, E., Harden, K.P., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2012). Offspring ADHD as a risk factor for parental marital problems: Controls for genetic and environmental confounds. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 15, 700-713.
Slutske, W.S., Moffitt, T.E., Poulton, R., & Caspi, A. (2012). Undercontrolled temperament at age 3 predicts disordered gambling at age 32: A longitudinal study of a complete birth cohort. Psychological Science, 23, 510-516.
Le, A.T., Miller, P.W., Slutske, W.S., & Martin, N.G. (2011). Attitudes towards economic risk and the gender pay gap. Labour Economics, 18, 555-561.
Le, A.T., Miller, P.W., Slutske, W.S., & Martin, N.G. (2011). Opportunity and educational outcomes in Australia. The Economic Record, 87, 125-135.
Littlefield, A.K., Agrawal, A., *Ellingson, J.M., Kristjansson, S., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Slutske,W.S., Heath, A.C., & Sher, K.J. (2011). Does variance in drinking motives explain the genetic overlap between personality and alcohol use disorder symptoms? A twin study of young women. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 2242-2250.
Meier, M.H., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2011). Sex differences in the genetic and environmental influences on childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 377-388.
Singh, A.L., D’Onofrio, B.M., Slutske, W.S., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., Harden, K.P., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2011). Parental depression and offspring psychopathology: A children of twins study. Psychological Medicine, 41, 1385-1395.
Slutske, W.S., **Bascom, E.N., *Meier, M.H., Medland, S.E., & Martin, N.G. (2011). Sensation seeking in females from opposite- versus same-sex twin pairs: Hormone transfer or sibling imitation? Behavior Genetics, 41, 533-542.
Slutske, W.S., Zhu, G., *Meier, M.H., & Martin, N.G. (2011). Disordered gambling as defined by the DSM-IV and the South Oaks Gambling Screen: Evidence for a common etiologic structure. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 743-751.
Ellingson, J.M., Slutske, W.S., & Martin, N.G. (2010). The reliability and validity of the family history method for assessing pathological gambling and gambling involvement. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24, 292-299.
Le, A.T., Miller, P.W., Slutske, W.S., & Martin, N.G. (2010). Are attitudes towards economic risk heritable? Analysis using the Australian Twin Study. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 330-339.
Piasecki, T.M., Slutske, W.S., Wood, P.K., & *Hunt-Carter, E. E. (2010). Frequency and correlates of diary-measured hangover-like experiences in a college sample. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24, 163-169.
Slutske, W.S. (2010). Why is natural recovery so common for addictive disorders? Addiction, 105, 1520-1521.
Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., Blaszczynski, A, & Martin, N.G. (2010). Pathological gambling recovery in the absence of abstinence. Addiction, 105, 2169-2175.
Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., *Ellingson, J.M., & Martin, N.G. (2010). The family history method in disordered gambling research: A comparison of reports from discordant twin pairs. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 340-346.
Slutske, W.S., Zhu, G., *Meier, M.H., & Martin, N.G. (2010). Genetic and environmental influences on disordered gambling in men and women. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67, 624-630.
Verster, J.C., Stephens, R., Penning, R., Rohsenow, D., McGeary, J., Levy, D., McKinney, A., Finnigan, F., Piasecki, T.M., Adan, A., Batty, G.D., Fliervoet, L.A.L., Heffernan, T., Howland, J., Kim, D., Kruisselbrink, L.D., Ling, J., McGregor, N., Murphy, R.J.L, van Nuland, M., Oudelaar, A.M., Parkes, A., Prat, G., Reed, N., Slutske, W.S., Smith, G. & Young, M., on behalf of the Alcohol Hangover Research Group. (2010). The Alcohol Hangover Research Group consensus statement on best practice in alcohol hangover research. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 3, 116-126.
Goudriaan, A., Slutske, W.S., Krull, J.L., & Sher, K.J. (2009). Longitudinal patterns of gambling activities and associated risk factors in college students. Addiction, 104, 1219-1232.
Medland, S.E., Nyholt, D.R., Painter, J.N., McEvoy, B.P., McRae, A.F., Zhu, G., Gordon, S.D., Wray, N.R., Ferreira, M.A.R, Wright, M.J., Henders, A.K., Campbell, M.J., Duffy, D.L., Hansell, N.K., Macgregor, S., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Montgomery, G.W., & Martin, N.G. (2009). Common variants in the Trichohyalin gene are associated with straight hair in Europeans. American Journal of Human Genetics, 85, 750-755.
Meier, M. H., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2009). The role of harsh discipline in explaining sex differences in conduct disorder: A study of opposite-sex twin pairs. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 653-664.
Slutske, W.S., Blaszczynski, A., & Martin, N.G. (2009). Sex differences in the rates of recovery, treatment-seeking, and natural recovery in pathological gambling: Results from an Australian community-based twin survey. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 12, 425-432.
Slutske, W.S., *Meier, M.H., Zhu, G., Statham, D.J., Blaszczynski, A., & Martin, N.G. (2009). The Australian twin study of gambling (OZ-GAM): Rationale, sample description, predictors of participation, and a first look at sources of individual differences in gambling involvement. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 12, 63-78.
Ehlers, C.L., Gilder, D.A., Slutske, W.S., Lind, P.A., & Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2008). Externalizing disorders in Southwest California Indians: Co-morbidity and a genome wide linkage analysis. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 147B, 690-698.
Medland, S.E., Duffy, D.L., Wright, M.J., Geffen, G.M., Hay, D.A., Levy, F., van-Beijsterveldt, C.E., Willemsen, G., Townsend, G.C., White, V., Hewitt, A.W., Mackey, D.A., Bailey, J.M., Slutske, W.S., Nyholt, D.R., Treloar, S.A., Martin, N.G., & Boomsma, D.I. (2008). Genetic influences on handedness: Data from 25,732 Australian and Dutch twin families. Neuropsychologia.
Meier, M.H., Slutske, W.S., Arndt, S., & Cadoret, R.J. (2008). Impulsive and callous traits are more strongly associated with delinquent behavior in higher risk neighborhoods among boys and girls. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 377-385.
Moffitt, T.E., (and in alphabetical order) Arseneault, L., Jaffee, S.R., Kim-Cohen, J., Koenen, K.C., Odgers, C.L., Slutske, W.S. & Viding, E. (2008). DSM-V Conduct Disorder: Research needs for an evidence base. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 3-33.
Odgers, C.L., Caspi, A., Nagin, D. Piquero, A.R., Slutske, W.S., Milne, B., Dickson, N., Poulton, R., & Moffitt, T.E. (2008). Is it important to prevent early exposure to drugs and alcohol among adolescents? Psychological Science, 19, 1037-1044.
Slutske, W.S., D’Onofrio, D.M., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., Harden, K.P., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2008). Searching for an environmental effect of parental alcoholism on offspring alcohol use disorder: A genetically-informed study of children of alcoholics. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 534-551 [extended article].
D’Onofrio, B.M., Slutske, W.S., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., Harden, K.P., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., & Martin, N.G. (2007). The intergenerational transmission of childhood conduct problems: A children of twins study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 820-829.
D’Onofrio, B.M., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., Harden, K.P., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., & Martin, N.G. (2007). A genetically informed study of the intergenerational transmission of relationship instability. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 69, 793-809.
Ehlers, C.L., Slutske, W.S., Lind, P.A., & Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2007). Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) and impulsivity in Southwest California Indians. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 10, 805-811.
Ehlers, C.L., Slutske, W.S., Gilder, D.A., & Lau, P. (2007). Age of first marijuana use and the development of marijuana use disorders in Southwest California Indians. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 86, 920-926.
Harden, K.P., Lynch, S.K., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., D’Onofrio, B.M., Slutske, W.S., Waldron, M., Heath, A.C., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2007). A behavior genetic investigation of adolescent motherhood and offspring mental health problems. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116, 667-683.
Harden, K.P., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., D’Onofrio, B.M., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., & Martin, N.G. (2007). Marital conflict and conduct problems in children of twins. Child Development, 78, 1-18.
Meier, M.H., Slutske, W.S., Arndt, S., & Cadoret, R.J. (2007). Positive alcohol expectancies partially mediate the relation between delinquent behavior and alcohol use: Generalizability across age, sex, and race in a cohort of 85,000 Iowa schoolchildren. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 21, 25-34.
Moffitt, T.E., (and in alphabetical order) Arseneault, L., Jaffee, S.R., Kim-Cohen, J., Koenen, K.C., Odgers, C.L., Slutske, W.S. & Viding, E. (2007). DSM-V Conduct Disorder: Research needs for an evidence base. American Psychiatric Association document at: www.advancingdx.psych.org
Scherrer, J.F., Slutske, W.S., Xian, H., Waterman, B., Shah, K.R., Volberg, R., Eisen, S.A. (2007). Factors associated with pathological gambling at 10-year follow-up in a national sample of middle-aged men. Addiction, 102, 970-978.
Slutske, W.S. (2007). Longitudinal studies of gambling behavior. In G. Smith, D. Hodgins, and R. Williams (Eds.), Research and Measurement Issues in Gambling Studies. Elsevier: New York.
Xian, H., Scherrer, J.F., Slutske, W.S., Shah, K.R., Volberg, R., & Eisen, S.A. (2007). Genetic and environmental contributions to pathological gambling symptoms in a 10-year follow-up. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 10, 174-179.
D’Onofrio, B.M., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A., & Martin, N.G. (2006). A genetically informed study of the processes underlying the association between parental marital instability and offspring adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 42, 486-499.
Ehlers, C.L., Slutske, W.S., Gilder, D.A., Lau, P., & Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2006). Age at first intoxication and alcohol use disorders in Southwest California Indians. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 1856-1865.
Knopik, V. S., Heath, A. C., Jacob, T., Slutske, W. S., Bucholz, K. K., Madden, P. A. F., Waldron, M. & Martin, N. G. (2006). Maternal alcohol use disorder and offspring ADHD: Disentangling genetic and environmental effects using a children-of-twins design. Psychological Medicine, 36, 1461-1471.
Lynch, S.K., Turkheimer, E., D’Onofrio, B.M., Mendle, J., Emery, R.E., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G. (2006). A genetically informed study of the association between harsh punishment and offspring behavior problems. Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 190-198.
Mendle, J., Turkheimer, E., D’Onofrio, B.M., Lynch, S.K., Emery, R.E., Slutske, W.S., Martin, N.G. (2006). Family structure and age at menarche: A children-of-twins approach. Developmental Psychology, 42, 533-542.
Slutske, W.S. (2006). Natural recovery and treatment-seeking in pathological gambling: Results of two US national surveys. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 297-302.
Slutske, W.S. (2006). On the limits of cross-sectional retrospective data for characterizing the course of pathological gambling and its relation with comorbid psychopathology: A reply to Afifi, Cox, and Sareen (letter). American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 1297-1298.
D’Onofrio, B.M., Turkheimer, E., Emery, R.E., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A., & Martin, N.G. (2005). A genetically informed study of marital instability and its association with offspring psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114, 570-586.
Piasecki, T.M., Sher, K.J., Slutske, W.S., & Jackson, K.M. (2005). Hangover frequency and risk for alcohol use disorders: Evidence from a longitudinal high-risk study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114, 223-234.
Scherrer, J.F., Xian, H., Shah, K., Volberg, R., Slutske, W., & Eisen, S.A. (2005). Influence of genes, environment, and co-occurring disorders on health related quality of life among problem and pathological gamblers. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 677-683.
Slutske, W.S. (2005). Alcohol use disorders among U.S. college students and their non-college-attending peers. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 321-327.
Slutske, W.S., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T.E., & Poulton, R. (2005). Personality and problem gambling: A prospective study of a birth cohort of young adults. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 769-775.
Winters, K.C., Stinchfield, R.D., Botzet, A., & Slutske, W.S. (2005). Pathways of youth gambling problem severity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19, 104-107.
Cronk, N.J., Slutske, W.S., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., & Heath, A.C. (2004). Risk for separation anxiety disorder among girls: Paternal absence, socioeconomic disadvantage and genetic vulnerability. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113, 237-247.
Knopik, V.S., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Slutske, W.S., Nelson, E.C., & Martin, N.G. (2004). Genetic effects on alcohol dependence risk: Re-evaluating the importance of psychiatric and other heritable risk factors. Psychological Medicine, 34, 1519-1530.
Lessov, C.N., Martin, N.G., Statham, D.J., Todorov, A.A., Slutske, W.S., Bucholz, K.K., Heath, A.C., & Madden, P.A.F. (2004). Defining nicotine dependence for genetic research: Evidence from Australian twins. Psychological Medicine, 34, 865-879.
Slutske, W.S., *Hunt-Carter, E.E., *Nabors-Oberg, R.E., Sher, K.J., Bucholz, K.K., Madden, P.A.F., Anokhin, A., & Heath, A.C. (2004). Do college students drink more than their non-college-attending peers? Evidence from a population-based longitudinal female twin study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113, 530-540.
Lynskey, M.T., Heath, A.C., Bucholz, K.K., Slutske, W.S., Madden, P.A.F., Nelson, E.C, Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2003). Escalation of illicit drug use in early-onset cannabis users versus co-twin controls. Journal of the American Medical Association, 289, 427-433 [lead article].
Sher, K.J., & Slutske, W.S. (2003). Disorders of impulse control. In G. Stricker and T. Widiger (Eds.) Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology: Psychopathology (Volume 8) (pp. 195-228). Wiley: New York.
Slutske, W.S., *Cronk, N.J., & *Nabors-Oberg, R.E. (2003). Familial and genetic factors. In C. Essau (Ed.) Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders: Epidemiology, Risk factors, and Treatment (pp. 137-162). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: New Jersey.
Slutske, W.S., Jackson, K.M., & Sher, K.J. (2003). The natural history of problem gambling from age 18 to 29. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 263-274.
Slutske, W.S., Piasecki, T.M., & *Hunt-Carter, E.E. (2003). Development and initial validation of the Hangover Symptoms Scale: Prevalence and correlates of hangover symptoms in college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 1442-1450.
Cronk, N.J., Slutske, W.S., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Reich, W., & Heath, A.C. (2002). Emotional and behavioral problems among female twins: An evaluation of the equal environments assumption. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 829-837.
Lynskey, M.T., Heath, A.C., Nelson, E.C., Bucholz, K.K., Madden, P.A.F., Slutske, W.S., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2002). Genetic and environmental contributions to cannabis dependence in a national young adult twin sample. Psychological Medicine, 32, 195-207.
Slutske, W.S., *Cronk, N.J., Sher, K.J., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., & Heath, A.C. (2002). Genes, environment, and individual differences in alcohol expectancies among female adolescents and young adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 16, 308-317.
Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Statham, D., & Martin, N.G. (2002). Personality and the genetic risk for alcohol dependence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111, 124-133.
Abstracted in Alcohol Research, 2002, Volume 7, p. 127.
Eisen, S.A., Slutske, W.S., Lyons, M., Lassman, J., Xian, H., Toomey, R., Chantarujikapong, S., Tsuang, M. (2001). The genetics of pathological gambling. Seminars in Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 6, 195-204.
Heath, A.C., Howells, W., Kirk, K.M., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Nelson, E.C., Slutske, W.S., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (2001). Predictors of non-response to a questionnaire survey of a volunteer twin panel: Findings from the Australian 1989 twin cohort. Twin Research, 4, 73-80.
Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F, Bucholz, K.K., Bierut, L.J., Whitfield J.B., Dinwiddie, S.H., Slutske, W.S., Statham, D.J. & Martin, N.G. (2001). Towards a molecular epidemiology of alcohol dependence: Analyzing the interplay of genetic and environmental risk-factors. British Journal of Psychiatry, 178 (Supplement 40), s33-s40.
Jacob, T., Sher, K.J., True, W.T., Sirevaag, E.J., Rohrbaugh, J., Nelson, E., Neuman, R.J., Todd, R.D., Slutske, W.S., Whitfield, J.B., Kirk, K., Martin, N.G., Madden, P.A.F., & Heath, A.C. (2001). An integrative approach for studying the etiology of alcoholism and other addictions. Twin Research, 4, 103-118.
Slutske, W.S. (2001). The genetics of antisocial behavior. Current Psychiatry Reports, 3, 158-162.
Slutske, W.S., Eisen, S.A., Xian, H., True, W.R., Lyons, M.J., Goldberg, J., & Tsuang, M.T. (2001). A twin study of the association between pathological gambling and antisocial personality disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, 297-308.
Digested in Crime Times, 2001, Volume 7, Number 4.
Dinwiddie, S., Heath, A.C., Dunne, M.P., Bucholz, K.K., Madden, P.A.F., Slutske, W.S., Bierut, L.J., Statham, D.B., & Martin, N.G. (2000). Early sexual abuse and lifetime psychopathology: A co-twin-control study. Psychological Medicine, 30, 41-52.
McLaughlin, T.L., Heath, A.C., Bucholz, K. K., Madden, P. A. F., Bierut, L.J., Slutske, W.S., Dinwiddie, S., Statham, D.J., Dunne, M. P. & Martin, N.J. (2000). Childhood sexual abuse and pathogenic parenting in the childhood recollections of adult twin pairs. Psychological Medicine, 30, 1293-1302.
Slutske, W.S., Eisen, S.A., True, W.R., Lyons, M.J., Goldberg, J., & Tsuang, M.T. (2000). Common genetic vulnerability for pathological gambling and alcohol dependence in men. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 666-673.
Waldman, I.D., & Slutske, W.S. (2000). Antisocial behavior and alcoholism: A behavioral genetic perspective on comorbidity. Clinical Psychology Review, 20, 255-287.
Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Dinwiddie, S.H., Slutske, W.S., Bierut, L.J., Rohrbaugh, J.W., Statham, D.J., Dunne, M.P., Whitfield, J.B., & Martin, N.G. (1999). Genetic differences in alcohol sensitivity and the inheritance of alcoholism risk. Psychological Medicine, 29, 1069-1081.
Koopmans, J.R., Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Neale, M.C., & Boomsma, D.I. (1999). The genetics of smoking initiation and quantity smoked in Dutch adolescent and young adult twins. Behavior Genetics, 29, 383-393.
Koopmans, J.R., Slutske, W.S., van Baal, G.C.M., & Boomsma, D.I. (1999). The influence of religion on alcohol use initiation: Evidence for genotype X environment interaction. Behavior Genetics, 29, 445-453.
McGue, M., Slutske, W., & Iacono, W.G. (1999). Personality and substance use disorders. II. Alcoholism versus drug use disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 394-404.
Romeis JC, Waterman B, Scherrer JF, Goldberg J, Eisen SA, Heath A, Bucholz K, Slutske W, Lyons M, Tsuang MT, True WR. (1999). The impact of sociodemographics, comorbidity and symptom recency on health related quality of life in alcoholics. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 653-662.
Slutske, W.S. (1999). Alcohol and alcoholism. In R. Gottesman, & M. Mazon (Eds.) Violence in America: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, (pp. 59-66). Charles Scribner’s: New York.
Slutske, W.S., True, W.R., Scherrer, J.F., Heath, A.C., Bucholz, K.K., Eisen, S.A., Goldberg, J., Lyons, M.J., Tsuang, M.T. (1999). The heritability of alcoholism symptoms: “Indicators of genetic and environmental influence in alcohol dependent individuals” revisited. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 23, 759-769.
Bucholz, K.K., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., Slutske, W.S., Statham, D.J., Dunne, M.P., & Martin, N.G. (1998). Drinking in an older population: Cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the Australian Twin Registry. In E.S.L. Gomberg , A.M. Hegedus, & R.A. Zucker (Eds.) Alcohol Problems and Aging. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Research Monograph 33. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Rockville, MD.
Hudziak, J.J., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.F., Reich, W., Bucholz, K.K., Slutske, W., Bierut, L.J., Neuman, R.J., & Todd, R.D. (1998). Latent class and factor analysis of DSM-IV ADHD – A twin study of female adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37, 848-857.
Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Dinwiddie, S.H., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Dunne, M.P., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (1998). Common genetic risk factors for conduct disorder and alcohol dependence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107, 363-374.
Slutske, W.S., True, W.R., Scherrer, J.F., Goldberg, J., Bucholz, K.K., Heath, A.C., Henderson, W.G., Eisen, S.A., Lyons, M.J., Tsuang, M.T. (1998). Long-term reliability and validity of alcoholism diagnoses and symptoms in a large national telephone interview survey. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22, 583-588.
Statham, D.J., Heath, A.C., Bucholz, K.K., Bierut, L., Madden, P.A.F., Dinwiddie, S.H., Slutske, W.S., Dunne, M.P., & Martin, N.G. (1998). Suicidal behavior: an epidemiologic and genetic study. Psychological Medicine, 28, 839-855.
Dunne, M.P., Martin, N.G., Statham, D.J., Slutske, W.S., Dinwiddie, S.H., Bucholz, K.K., Madden, P.A., & Heath, A.C. (1997). Generational change in the genetic contribution to variance in age at first sexual intercourse. Psychological Science, 8, 211-216.
Heath, A.C., Bucholz, K.K., Madden, P.A.F., Dinwiddie, S.H., Slutske, W.S., Bierut, L.J., Statham, D.J., Dunne, M.P., Whitfield, J., & Martin, N.G. (1997). Genetic and environmental contributions to alcohol dependence risk in a national twin sample: Consistency of findings in women and men. Psychological Medicine, 27, 1381-1396.
Heath, A.C., Slutske, W.S., Bucholz, K.K., Madden, P.A.F., & Martin, N.G. (1997). Behavioral genetic methods in prevention research: an overview. In K.E. Bryant (Ed.), Methods in Alcoholism Prevention Research, American Psychological Association Press.
Heath, A.C., Slutske, W.S., & Madden, P.A.F. (1997). Gender differences in the genetic contribution to alcoholism risk and to alcohol consumption patterns. In R.W. Wilsnack and S.C. Wilsnack (Eds.), Gender and Alcohol, Rutgers University Press.
McGue, M., Slutske, W., Taylor, J.T., & Iacono, W.G. (1997). Personality and substance use disorders. I. Effects of gender and alcoholism subtype. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 21, 513-520.
Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Dinwiddie, S.H., Slutske, W.S., Bierut, L., Statham, D.J., Dunne, M.P., Martin, N.G., & Heath, A.C. (1997). Nicotine withdrawal in women. Addiction, 92, 889-902.
Slutske, W.S., Heath, A.C., Dinwiddie, S.H., Madden, P.A.F., Bucholz, K.K., Dunne, M.P., Statham, D.J., & Martin, N.G. (1997). Modeling genetic and environmental influences in the etiology of conduct disorder: a study of 2682 adult twin pairs. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106, 266-279.
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Wendy Slutske, PhD