by Hasmeena Kathuria


Welch A, Patterson MS, Whilshire C, Kathuria H, Gilbert C, Gorden J. Ego Networks Associated With E-Cigarette Use Among College Fraternity Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of American College Health. Online January 2, 2025.


Berlowitz JB, Xie W, Harlow AF, Kathuria H, Benjamin EJ, Stokes AC. Association of Cigarette–E-Cigarette Transitions with Respiratory Symptom Resolution. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. Online November 12, 2024.

Fiore MC, Lathen L, Conner K, Kathuria H, Piper ME, Baker TB. (2024) Helping Black Patients in Wisconsin Quit Smoking: A Call for Clinical Action. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2024;123(4):252-255. Online September 10, 2024.

Kathuria H, Ewart G, Neptune ER, Upson D. Unveiling the Tobacco Industry’s Exploitative Legacy: A Call for Racial Equity through a Menthol Ban. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 21(9), 1245–1246. Online September 1, 2024.

Kathuria H and Wiener RW. (2024) Towards Racial Equity in Lung Cancer Screening. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2024 Mar 27:JCO2400351. Online March 27, 2024.

Flores A, Wiener RS, Hon S, Wakeman C, Howard J, Virani N, Mattus B, Foreman AG, Singh J, Rosen L, Bulekova K, Kathuria H. (2024) Sustainability of an Opt-Out Electronic-Health Record-based Tobacco Treatment Consult Service at a Large Safety-net Hospital: A 6-year Analysis. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Online February 6, 2024.

Kearney L, Jansen E, Kathuria H, et al. (2024) Informatics and Engagement in a Learning Health System: A Randomized Trial of Digital Outreach Strategies for Reporting Smoking Data. JMIR Formative Research. Online February 9, 2024.

Steiling K, Kathuria H. (2024) Occupational Benzene Exposure: An Unrecognized Threat to Lung Cancer Development. American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine.2024 Jan 15;209(2):128-130. Online January 15, 2024.


Steiling K, Kathuria H, Echieh CP, Ost DE, Rivera MP, Begnaud A, Celedón JC, Charlot M, Dietrick F, Duma N, Fong KM, Ford JG, Gould MK, Holguin F, Pérez-Stable EJ, Tanner NT, Thomson CC, Wiener RS, Wisnivesky J. Research Priorities for Interventions to Address Health Disparities in Lung Nodule Management: An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Mar 15;207(6):e31-e46.

Shusterman S, Villarreal-Calderon R, Gunawan A, Gallardo Foreman A, O’Donnell C, Wakeman C, Javeed H, Keteyian J, Howard J, Bulekova K, de Silva S, Campbell T, Lasser K, Kathuria H. A Financial Incentives Program to Promote Smoking Cessation Among Recently Hospitalized Individuals: Feasibility and Acceptability Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 May 29;7:e44979.

Booras A, Wiener RS, Maccarone J, Stokes AC, Fetterman JL, Hamburg NM, Singh J, Bulekova K, Kathuria H. A Longitudinal Study of Perceptions of the Massachusetts Menthol Ban and Its Impact on Smoking Behaviors Among Marginalized Individuals. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 May 11;20(10):5790.


Lopes LC, Zhang Y, Ross S, Fulone I, Zhu M, O’Brien KK, Pavalagantharajah S, Leone FT, Sachs DPL, Kathuria H, Murray RL, Zhang YQ. Varenicline for Tobacco-Dependent Adults Who Are Not Ready to Discontinue Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022 Dec;19(12):2077-2086.

Kathuria H, Shankar D, Cobb V, Newman J, Bulekova K, Werntz S, Borrelli B. Integrating Social Determinants of Health With Tobacco Treatment for Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder: Feasibility and Acceptability Study of Delivery Through Text Messaging. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Sep 1;6(9):e36919.

Kathuria H, Gunawan A, Spring M, Aijaz S, Cobb V, Carmel Fitzgerald C, Cornelia Wakeman C, Howard J, Clancy M, Gallardo-Foreman A, Truong V, Steiling K, Lasser KE, Bulekova K, Wiener RS. Capitalizing on hospitalization to engage high-risk individuals in shared decision-making for lung cancer screening: results from randomized feasibility trials at a large safety-net hospital. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Aug 23.

Shankar D, Borrelli B, Cobb V, Quintiliani LM, Palfai T, Weinstein Z, Bulekova K, Kathuria H. Text-messaging to promote smoking cessation among individuals with opioid use disorder: quantitative and qualitative evaluation. BMC Public Health. 2022 Apr 6;22(1):668.

Kearney L, Wiener RS, Dahodwala M, Fix GM, Hicks J, Little F, Howard J, Gallardo-Foreman A, Wakeman C, O’Donnell C, Bulekova K, Drainoni ML, Kathuria H.  Development and acceptability of an intervention to address social determinants of health and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease self-management. BMC Pulm Med. 2022 Mar 1;22(1):74.

Xie W, Tackett AP, Berlowitz JB, Harlow AF, Kathuria H, et al. Association of Electronic Cigarette Use with Respiratory Symptom Development among US Young Adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Jan 28.


Kathuria H, Herbst N, Seth B, Clark K, Helm ED, Zhang M, O’Donnell C, Fitzgerald C, Itchapurapu IS, Waite M, Wong C, Swamy L, Olson J, Mishuris RG, Wiener RS. Rapid Cycle Evaluation and Adaptation of an Inpatient Tobacco Treatment Service at a U.S. Safety-Net Hospital. Implement Res Pract. 2021 Oct 4;2:26334895211041295.

Shenoy AT, Arafa EI, Lyon De Ana C, Barker KA, Korkmaz FT, Ramanujan A, Etesami NS,  Martin IMC, Tilton BR, Hinds A, Goltry WN, Bullitt E, Kathuria H, Jones MR, Quinton LJ, Belkina AC, Mizgerd JP. Epithelial MHC-II governs resident memory CD4+ T cell lineage specification and barrier immunity. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 5;12(1):5834.

Hood E, Grodal S, Kathuria H, Minetti E, Ross CR, Fetterman J. How do perceptions of ENDS differed between individuals who smoke and vape? Tobacco Regulatory Science.

Quintiliani LM, Kathuria H, Truong V, Murillo J, Borrelli B, Xuan Z, Lasser KE. Patient navigation among recently hospitalized smokers to promote tobacco treatment: Results from a randomized exploratory pilot study. Addict Behav. 2021 Feb; 113:106659.

Barker KA, Shenoy AT, Lyon de Ana C, Smith NMS, Arafa EI, Martin IMC, Barron AMS, Kepler TB, Browning JL, Kathuria H, Belkina AC, Guillon A, Zhong X, Jones MR, Quinton LJ, Mizgerd JP. Lung resident memory B cells protect against bacterial pneumonia. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2021; 131(11) e141810.

Wiener RS, Clark JA, Koppelman E, Bolton R, Fix GM, Slatore CG, Kathuria H. Patient vs Clinician Perspectives on Communication about Results of Lung Cancer Screening: A Qualitative Study. Chest. 2020 Sep;158(3):1240-1249.

Kathuria H, Koppelman E, Borrelli B, Slatore CG, Clark JA, Lasser KE, Wiener RS. Patient-Physician Discussions on Lung Cancer Screening: A Missed Teachable Moment to Promote Smoking Cessation. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020 Mar 16;22(3):431-439.

Herbst N, Wiener RS, Helm ED, O’Donnell C, Fitzgerald C, Wong C, Bulekova K, Waite M, Mishuris MD, Kathuria H. Effectiveness of an Opt-Out Electronic-Heath Record-based Tobacco Treatment Consult Service at an Urban Safety-Net Hospital. Chest. 2020 Oct;158(4):1734-1741.

Xie W, Kathuria H, Galiatsatos P, MHS, Blaha M, Hamburg NM; Bhatnagar A, Benjamin AJ, Stokes A. Association of Electronic Cigarette Use with Incident Respiratory Conditions among US Adults from 2013 to 2018. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Nov 2;3(11):e2020816.

Griffiths NG, Fetterman JL, Vargees C, Kathuria H, Grodal S, Borrelli B, Ross CS. Measuring poly-tobacco product use with ecological momentary assessment methods Tobacco Regulatory Science 2020;6(6): 423-435.

Golden SE, Ono SS, Melzer A, Davis J, Zeliadt SB, Heffner JL, Kathuria H, Garcia-Alexander G, Slatore CG, “I already know that smoking ain’t good for me”: Patient and clinician perspectives on lung cancer screening decision-making discussions as a teachable moment, Chest 2020 Sep;158(3):1250-1259.

Leone FT, Zhang Y, Evers-Casey S, Evins AE, Eakin M, Fathi J, Fennig K, Folan P, Galiatsatos P, Gogineni H, Kantrow S, Kathuria H, Lamphere T, Neptune E, Pacheco MC, Pakhale S, Prezant D, Sachs DPL, Toll B, Upson D, Xiao D, Cruz-Lopes L, Fulone I, Murray RL, O’Brien KK, Pavalagantharajah S, Ross S, Zhang Y, Zhu M, and Farber HJ.  Initiating Pharmacologic Treatment of Tobacco Dependence in Adults: An Official ATS Clinical Practice Guideline. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020 Jul 15;202(2):e5-e31.

Seth B, Herbst N, Oleinik K, Clark K, Helm E, O’Donnell C, Fitzgerald C, Wong C, Wiener R, Kathuria H. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Adoption of an Inpatient Tobacco Treatment Service at a Safety-Net Hospital: A Mixed Methods Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 Jan; 17(1):63-71.

Iaccarino, JM, Duran C, Slatore C, Wiener RS, Kathuria, H. Combining smoking cessation interventions with LDCT lung cancer screening: A Systematic Review. Prev Med. 2019 Apr; 121: 24-32.

Kathuria H, Seibert RG, Cobb V, Herbst N, Weinstein ZM, Gowarty M, Jhunjhunwala R, Helm ED, Wiener RS. Perceived barriers to quitting cigarettes among hospitalized smokers with substance use disorders: A mixed methods study. Addict Behav 2019; 95: 41-48.

Kathuria H, Seibert RG, Cobb V, Weinstein ZM, Gowarty M, Helm ED, Wiener RS. Patient and Physician Perspectives on Treating Tobacco Dependence in Hospitalized Smokers with Substance Use Disorders: A Mixed Methods Study. J Addict Med 2019; 13: 338-345.

Charlot M, D’Amico S, Luo M, Gemei A, Kathuria H, Gardiner P. Feasibility and Acceptability of Mindfulness-Based Group Visits for Smoking Cessation in Low-Socioeconomic Status and Minority Smokers with Cancer. J Altern Complement Med 2019; 25: 762-769.

12. Wiener RS, Koppelman E, Bolton R, Lasser KE, Borrelli B, Au DH, Slatore CG, Clark JA, Kathuria H. Patient and Clinician Perspectives on Shared Decision-making in Early Adopting Lung Cancer Screening Programs: a Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med 2018; 33: 1035-1042.

Kathuria H, Millien G, McNally L, Gower AC, Tagne JB, Cao Y, Ramirez MI. NKX2-1-AS1 negatively regulates CD274/PD-L1, cell-cell interaction genes, and limits human lung carcinoma cell migration. Sci Rep 2018; 8: 14418.

Millien G, Cao Y, O’Hara CJ, Tagne JB, Hinds A, Williams MC, Ramirez MI, Kathuria H. ETS1 regulates Twist1 transcription in a KrasG12D/Lkb1-/- metastatic lung tumor model of non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Exp Metastasis 2018; 35: 149-165.

Muñoz-Largacha JA, Steiling KA, Kathuria H, Charlot M, Fitzgerald C, Suzuki K, Litle VR. Initial surgical experience following implementation of lung cancer screening at an urban safety net hospital. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2018; 155: 2674-2681.

Leone FT, Carlsen KH, Chooljian D, Crotty Alexander LE, Detterbeck FC, Eakin MN, Evers-Casey S, Farber HJ, Folan P, Kathuria H, Latzka K, McDermott S, McGrath-Morrow S, Moazed F, Munzer A, Neptune E, Pakhale S, Sachs DPL, Samet J, Sufian B, Upson D. Recommendations for the Appropriate Structure, Communication, and Investigation of Tobacco Harm Reduction Claims. An Official American Thoracic Society Policy Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018; 198: e90-e105.

Kathuria H, Detterbeck FC, Fathi JT, et al. Stakeholder Research Priorities for Smoking Cessation Interventions within Lung Cancer Screening Programs. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017; 196: 1202-12.

Kathuria H, Gesthalter Y, Spira A, Brody  J,  Steiling K. Updates and Controversies in the Rapidly Evolving Field of Lung Cancer Screening, Early Detection, and Chemoprevention. Cancers 2014; 16;6(2): 1157-79.

Boopathi, E; Gomes, CM; Goldfarb, R; John, M; Srinivasan, VG; Alanzi, J; Malkowicz, SB; Kathuria, H; Zderic, SA; Wein, AJ; Chacko, S. Transcriptional repression of Caveolin-1 (CAV1) gene expression by GATA-6 in bladder smooth muscle hypertrophy in mice and human beings. Am. J. Pathol. 2011; 178(5): 2236-51.

Sloan KA, Marquez HA, Li J, Cao YX, Hinds A, O’Hara CJ, Kathuria S, Ramirez MI, Williams MC, Kathuria H.  Increased PEA3/E1AF and Decreased Net/Elk-3, both Ets Proteins, Characterize Human NSCLC Progression and Regulate Caveolin-1 Transcription in Calu-1 and NCI-H23 NSCLC Cell Lines. Carcinogenesis. 2009; 30(8): 1433-42.

Kathuria H, Cao Y, Hinds A, Ramirez MI, Williams MC. ERM is expressed by alveolar epithelial cells in adult mouse lung and regulates caveolin-1 transcription in mouse lung epithelial cell lines. J Cell Biochem. 2007; 102(1): 13-27.

Kathuria H, Cao YX, Ramirez MI, Williams, MC. Transcription of the caveolin-1 gene is differentially regulated in lung type I epithelial and endothelial cell lines:  A role for ETS proteins in epithelial cell expression. J. Biol. Chem. 2004; 279: 30028-30036.

Nasreen N, Mohammed KA, Hardwick J, Van Horn RD, Sanders K, Kathuria H, Loghmani F, Antony VB. Low molecular weight hyaluronon induces malignant mesothelioma (MMC) proliferation and haptotaxis: role of CD44 receptor in MMC proliferation and haptotaxis. Oncol. Res. 2002; 13(2): 71-78.

Dr. Hasmeena Kathuria
Dr. Hasmeena Kathuria
