The Quit Line’s FREE Services
- Available 24/7 to Wisconsin residents who want to quit smoking, vaping or other tobacco use.
- Call, text or live chat with an experienced coach. They’ll listen. They won’t judge. They’ll help you build a plan that’s right for you.
- Visit Build quitting skills. Track your progress.
- Receive two weeks of free medicine. Choose from nicotine patch, nicotine gum or nicotine lozenge.
- Concerned about someone who is smoking, vaping, or using other tobacco? We can help.
How to Reach Us
- Text READY to 34191
- Call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669)
- Click here
Helping Smokers Quit
- The Quit Line has fielded hundreds of thousands of calls since May 1, 2001.
About half of callers are either underinsured or Medicaid recipients.
About the Quit Line
The Quit Line is managed by the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention (UW-CTRI).
It is funded by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Other Tobacco Fact Sheets