Health Plan Buyer’s Guide to Quit-tobacco Programs

Whether your health plan focuses on employer groups, Medicaid populations, or both, offering a quit-tobacco program that members will actually use is a must. That’s why making is easy to access and effective is essential.

Buyer's Guide

This buyer’s guide will help you gain the understanding you need to make the best choice for the population your health plan serves. Factors include:

  • How race, ethnicity, educational level, socioeconomic status, and COVID-19 play a role in tobacco use and cessation rates.
  • Strengths and challenges of available quit-tobacco programs, including CO monitors, app-based programs, phone coaching, and face-to-face delivery.
  • Essential questions to ask potential partners when addressing the 10 critical components of any quit-smoking and quit-vaping program.

Get your free buyer’s guide here.