The National Institutes of Health has funded a five-year, $5.7 million grant to the UW to study the long-term effects of vaping on heart and lung health. People who participate will receive up to $675 …
2024 Articles
Kathuria Earns Named Professorship
UW-CTRI Director Dr. Hasmeena Kathuria has been named the Jan and Kathryn Ver Hagen Professor of Translational Research in Medicine. This professorship confirms the high esteem that colleagues across campus hold for Kathuria’s work. “This …
Youth Group Visits UW-CTRI
From left: Dr. Brian Williams, Rev. Steven Tipton, Dr. Adrienne Johnson, Dr. Marcia Tipton and Dr. Hasmeena Kathuria. Teens from El Bethel Church in Milwaukee visited UW-CTRI—where faculty spoke to them about smoking and vaping.
Allison Gorrilla to Manage Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project (WiNTiP)
UW-CTRI Regional Outreach Specialist Allison (Allie) Gorrilla has taken on an additional duty—coordinating the Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project (WiNTIP). WiNTiP was co-founded by Dr. Eric Heiligenstein and David “Mac” Macmaster back in 2008, and …
UW-CTRI Earns $3.8 Million Grant to Test Nicotine Pouches to Replace Smoking
The National Institutes of Health has awarded a $3.8 million grant to UW-CTRI to see if nicotine pouches can replace smoking among participants in a randomized comparative effectiveness study. “It’s a question of public health,” …
Researchers Consider Using Wearable Devices for Vaping Interventions
Using wearable devices to collect data from participants, researchers developed novel analytic strategies to examine how heart rate changes when participants were getting ready to vape. They found that the average heart rate increased before …
Paper: Clinicians Should Assess for Daily and Nondaily Smoking
Clinicians should assess both daily and nondaily cigarette smoking, as either can include patients with tobacco use disorder (TUD), according to new research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. TUD prevalence estimates are lacking, …
Adolescent Transplant Providers Can Help Youth Quit Vaping
UW-CTRI’s Dr. Brian Williams remembers caring for a patient who was preparing for a transplant and the patient was concerned vaping would affect his transplant candidacy. Williams and colleague Dr. Jesse Kaye published a paper …
All-Staff Meeting Features a Twist
The 2024 UW-CTRI All-Staff Meeting was anything but typical. It was the first time in the Center’s 32 years that it marked the change of directors. Dr. Michael Fiore, who co-founded the organization with Dr. …
Milwaukee Group Celebrates Community Advisory Board’s Contributions
The Milwaukee Collaboration Project celebrated the contributions of the Community Advisory Board (CAB) last month in Milwaukee. The CAB is comprised of African American professionals, residents of Milwaukee with experience pertaining to tobacco use, and …