Vaping was a hot topic at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine or Tobacco (SRNT) held at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, as use of vaping products have …
2019 Articles
Medicaid Promotes Tobacco-Cessation Benefit to Providers, Members
The State of Wisconsin and UW-CTRI partnered to promote the Wisconsin Medicaid Cessation Benefit, which provides no-cost tobacco cessation counseling and pharmacotherapy services to help people with low incomes quit smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco …
Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line Helped 11,000 in 2018, Including Caller Mary Tucker
Mary Tucker started smoking when she was 15, while her young brain was still growing, and kept lighting up for 50 years. But, late in 2018, she quit for good with the help of the …
Oncologist Dr. Jim Cleary Helps UW-CTRI Conduct High-Quality Research
Dr. Jim Cleary continues to serve as the head of the UW-CTRI Data and Statistical Management Committee, even after moving from Wisconsin and the UW Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center (UWCCC) to Indiana to become the …
Financial Incentives Help Medicaid Recipients Quit Smoking
Use of modest financial incentives to encourage low-income smokers to engage with the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line is a cost-effective option, according to a paper written by Dr. Marlon Mundt and colleagues at UW-CTRI. Financial …
The WiNTiP Decade
The following is an editorial commentary by David “Mac” Macmaster: The Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project (WINTIP) was launched in 2008. WINTIP has been advocating tobacco integration in Wisconsin behavioral-health services for 10 years now. …
UW-CTRI Researchers to Present at SRNT Conference in San Francisco
UW-CTRI staff will present 17 times at SRNT 2019 in San Francisco, via seven presentations and 10 research posters. Pre-conference Workshop An Update to the Basics: Current Approaches for Measuring and Understanding Key Individual Differences …
UW-CTRI Collaborates with Doctors in Italy to Help Italians Quit Smoking
UW-CTRI Researchers Dr. Wendy Theobald (right) and Dr. Michael Fiore have contributed three articles to the Italian medical journal Tabaccologia, encouraging Italians to quit smoking and clinicians to lead by example and through systematic treatment. …