UW-CTRI Media Round-up: Talking Resolutions

Media microphones
Each January, people get around to talking ’bout their resolutions.

UW-CTRI disseminated the news release, How to Quit Smoking: The 5 Best Tips for 2023 New Year’s Resolutions, via its media channels, and Google made it the #1 search answer for searches for quit smoking tips for 2023 resolutions. More than 245 unique individuals have visited the page a combined 300 times.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel responded by including it in its e-newsletter to its subscribers. Reporter Bill Glauber interviewed UW-CTRI Director of Clinical Services Dr. Doug Jorenby for extra quit tips. Read it here.

Jorenby talked quit tips and more with Larry Meiller on Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR). He also spoke with a reporter from WPR in Green Bay (read the text here) as well as with Spectrum News 1, a statewide TV news channel for Spectrum cable subscribers, about the decline in cigarette sales. To view that video, click here (requires Spectrum cable login).

UW-CTRI Researcher Dr. Adrienne Johnson spoke about her research on smoking, dementia risks, and how to quit smoking with WPR. You can listen to that for free, on demand, by clicking here. Last month, the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, UW Health, and UW-CTRI partnered on a news release about her research collaboration with Dr. Carey Gleason on the cost of dementia among American Indian populations. Johnson spoke to Wisconsin Radio Network and Spectrum 1 News.