UW-CTRI Staff Present at North American Quitline Consortium Conference

UW-CTRI staff last month presented at the 2015 North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC) Conference, “The Future of Quitlines: Refining and Redefining Our Practices for Success!” l at the Crowne Plaza in Atlanta.

UW-CTRI Outreach Director and NAQC Board Member Rob Adsit moderated the Day 2 plenary panel, “Integrating Quitlines into Healthcare: Progress with E-referral and Provider Engagement in Cessation.” As part of this plenary, Adsit presented an overview of recent health-care reform initiatives, with a focus on the impact of these initiatives on payment reform for the health-care sector and how this translates into e-referral opportunities for quitlines. The panel shared their experiences in building e-referral systems between quitlines and health-care institutions.

UW-CTRI Director Dr. Michael Fiore served as the reactant to the closing plenary, “ENDS: Considering the Quitline Caller’s Perspective,” which focused on the latest trends regarding quitline callers who use e-cigarettes or are interested in them, and what quitline coaches can share about their use. The panel discussed a NAQC report released last December on the science and quitline practices related to Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS).

Adsit also participated in the closing plenary on the future of quitlines along with his colleagues on the NAQC Board of Directors. Adsit served on the conference planning committee. Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line Coordinator Kate Kobinsky attended the conference, as did Section Chief Vicki Huntington of the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention & Control Program.