For Mustapha Kunjo, cigarettes used to be a way of life.

“I used to always want to smoke cigarettes for most of my adult life, it was just something to do that I got hooked on,” said Kunjo, a Sun Prairie resident.

However much he liked cigarettes, Kunjo knew the negative impact it had on his family specifically.

“I have a lot of younger family members here in the U.S. and it’s very hard for me to smoke around them,” Kunjo said. “I used to just go outside all the time to smoke, but they’ve told me frequently that they don’t want to lose me, which is what made me decide to finally work on it.”

Kunjo made his quit attempt in fall of last year with the help of the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line, and hasn’t looked back on smoking ever since. Using the patch, he said the Quit Line gave him the confidence he needed to stick to a quit plan.

“They really gave me the willpower to quit,” Kunjo said. “It was really hard at the beginning. Though, so far, I’m doing well.”

Kunjo recommends the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line to people who are looking to quit.

“Almost everyone knows the repercussions of using cigarettes and what it does to your health. But making the decision to quit is hard, even if you know the difficulties your smoking can cause for the people around you. Once you make that decision to quit, the Quit Line is there to coach you and help you stick to that.”

All tobacco users can get free help to quit by calling 1-800 QUIT NOW.