The State of Wisconsin and UW-CTRI partnered to promote the Wisconsin Medicaid Cessation Benefit, which provides no-cost tobacco cessation counseling and pharmacotherapy services to help people with low incomes quit smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco …
Month: February 2019
Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line Helped 11,000 in 2018, Including Caller Mary Tucker
Mary Tucker started smoking when she was 15, while her young brain was still growing, and kept lighting up for 50 years. But, late in 2018, she quit for good with the help of the …
CDC: Youth Nicotine Use Increased During 2017-2018
About 4.9 million middle and high school students were current users (used in the past 30 days) of some type of tobacco product in 2018, up from 3.6 million in 2017. This increase—driven by a …
Oncologist Dr. Jim Cleary Helps UW-CTRI Conduct High-Quality Research
Dr. Jim Cleary continues to serve as the head of the UW-CTRI Data and Statistical Management Committee, even after moving from Wisconsin and the UW Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center (UWCCC) to Indiana to become the …