Low-income smokers who received modest payments to quit smoking not only were 57% more likely to quit—but the cost per quitter turned out to be less than for those who didn’t receive those incentives. According …
Month: November 2017
Mundt Crunches Cost Effectiveness Data for Tobacco Treatment
UW Assistant Professor Dr. Marlon Mundt, health economist from the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, is collaborating with UW-CTRI to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of financial incentives for Medicaid smokers to take Wisconsin Tobacco …
Clinical Practice Guideline Continues to Have a Global Impact
UW-CTRI Director Dr. Michael Fiore recorded a video on how to treat tobacco use, seen by more than 100 healthcare providers in Italy. The video was part of a conference in Venice.
New GHC Outreach Specialist Partners with UW-CTRI on Research Study
Katherine Coates is the new Tobacco Cessation Outreach Specialist working full time at Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin (GHC), and training at UW-CTRI for her new job. Once at GHC, she’ll handle outreach …
Combination NRT Reduces Cessation Fatigue, New Dynamical Model Finds
Though the mental battle to not smoke can be exhausting for smokers, combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) helps reduce this cessation fatigue and helps smokers feel like they can be successful in quitting, according to …
UW-CTRI Health Counselor’s Rock Band Featured in Spin Magazine
By day, UW-CTRI Health Counselor T.Jay Christenson handles patient medical records while helping people quit smoking; by night, his rock band is on a record label called Dusty Medical Records. Don’t tell the IRB. The …
Pilot Project Offers Patients eReferrals to SmokeFreeTXT
For some Wisconsin patients, seeing their doctor enables them to sign up for text messages to help them quit smoking, while automatically keeping their doctor in the loop. That’s because UW-CTRI is partnering with Epic …
Exhale Study Completes Recruitment, Pulmonary Data Analysis Begins
Dr. Will Bringgold, a second-year resident with the UW Internal Medicine Department, is working with UW-CTRI Drs. Kristin Berg, Stevens Smith, and other colleagues to analyze baseline pulmonary data from the Exhale Study. The Exhale …
UW-CTRI Outreach Specialist to Speak at State Pharmacy Convention
UW-CTRI Outreach Specialist Amy Skora spoke about smoking, vaping, and the latest treatments to help patients quit at the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin annual meeting Sept. 16 at the Radisson Hotel in La Crosse, Wisconsin. …
Fiore Helps Create Guidelines for WHO Framework for Global Tobacco Control
UW-CTRI Director Dr. Michael Fiore teamed with other experts, led by Dr. Martin Raw, to create a plan of action to help countries implement tobacco-control strategies, to be published in the journal Addiction. The World …